Sunday, June 23, 2013

Small Treasures Amongst Drivel

The day began with a fresh pot of coffee and a breakfast sufficient for royalty. Afterwards, we got ourselves prim and proper and voyaged out into the world, determined to find small treasures amongst drivel. In other words - we went to yard sales. It was a supremely enjoyable experience, yet slightly awkward at the same time. Lesson learned: follow the directions on the bright neon signs. Although, the slight misdirection did afford us the opportunity to meet some amiable canines and discover the Flintstones at Bedrock.

Directly after returning home, we entered into the realm of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. So much so that each character seemed to stand before us. Lesson learned from Jane Bennet herself: when in doubt, look like a bobble head. In order to fully immerse ourselves into the world of Austen, we enjoyed a very agreeable afternoon tea complete with fairy cakes, scones, lemon curd and, of course, tea.

It was a perfectly lovely day, and upon reflection, we must conclude that it could only be improved upon with a longer swimming scene featuring Mr. Darcy.

Monday, June 17, 2013

~ Let the good times roll ~

In the beginning there was a beautiful maiden and a sleepy monster who was cleaning up dog crap. They joined forces and stormed the castle of matrimony. They brought offerings of fluffy blankets and cold hard cash. The future bride looked stunning. The sleepy monster disguised herself as a fake bride with a toilet paper gown. Everyone was fooled. After this, the dynamic duo crossed the train tracks of doom to devour a feast and harvest beans.

The following morn, the sleepy monster put aside her carpet cleaner and picked up her musicality. The beautiful maiden attempted to dance and inspire the world to only create immense amounts of laughter and cheer. They gathered together fellow adventurers to the top of the Hill of Steep Opportunity. They caressed the grass before tumbling down the hill. Lesson learned: avoid rolling pedestrians. They traveled deep into the boreal forest where they ate pizza and rose petals for dessert. At the sight of an approaching swing set, one of their companions could not resist the temptation, planting himself on the glorious throne. It was exhilarating, until he was unexpectedly dethroned. The beautiful maiden was in a state of shock at seeing a speck of blood, the sleepy monster laughed hysterically. Lesson learned: do not go on a rotten swing set.

As the beautiful maiden closed her eyes at the end of the weekend she thought, "I really want to eat some more rose petals." The sleepy monster thought about photosynthesis.

The end.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Things to do this summer! Summer 2013

Welcome to our blog. Prepare to be amazed. Yes. Amazed. Bob`s your Uncle! We are the champions, my friends, and we are going to have a fantastic summer. Yes. Fantastic. This is what we want to do:

1. Make a recipe book!
2. Have a picnic in a field while we read poetry and Jane Austen.
3. Release those chinese lanterns.
4. Have a Bonfire
5. Walk in Churchill Park
6. Have a photo shoot
7. Jane Austen movie marathon with old English food.
8. Go on a road trip.
9. Go to yard sales
10. Find something old and make it cool.
11. Make something for apartment.
12. Go berry picking.
13. Go see fireworks.
14. Help Jen with treehouse.
15. Fly kites.
16. Write poetry and make a book.
17. Go see a movie.
18. Make a pie from berries we picked.
19. Work out.
20. Make candy.
21. Watch Northern Lights.
22. Wear red lipstick.
23. Play with chalk.
24. Blow bubbles.
25. Pick a book for each other and then read it.
26. Make a book club.
27. Have a sleepover.
28. Volunteer at something other than church.
29. Try playing a sport. Baseball tournament?
30. Go to farmer`s market.
31. Make fake snow.
32. Make a makeup/spa day.
33. English accents.
34. Make a blog.

We, Carlissa Quist and Sonia Vien, vow to try our utmost best to complete all tasks previously identified. If you choose to accept the challenge, make your own list and see what happens!